2,402 research outputs found

    Finite-width feed and load models

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    We demonstrate a new method of applying the feed model for the method of moments (MoM) formulation for the electric field integral equation (EFIE). The model is based around a previously reported magnetic ribbon current model which is accurate and allows for a finite width of the feed port. However, with proper approximations, one can reduce the formulation such that the magnetic field operator can be removed in order to simplify computations arising from the curl of the dyadic Green's function and its singularities. We show here that the new feed model can also be used to model a lumped element. © 1963-2012 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Harmonic evaluation of traction system by Monte Carlo simulation

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    This paper presents a method to predict the harmonic current level of traction system with phase-controlled DC Drives by Monte Carlo simulation. Based on Behavioral Modeling Technique (BMT), a model for electrical unit of traction is proposed. The probability density functions (pdf) of speed and notch numbers are obtained from longtime field measurement. The mean and variance of harmonic current of single electrical unit is obtained based on the speed pdf and traction electrical unit model. The results of Monte Carlo simulation are in good accordance with the experimental and analytic conclusions. The harmonics of a different number of trains are systematically investigated. It is shown the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) decreases with the increase of the number of trains and the harmonic current per train decreases with the train number because of the harmonic cancellation.published_or_final_versio

    Modeling of electric railway vehicle for harmonic analysis of traction power-supply system using spline interpolation in frequency domain

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    It is essential to model nonlinear traction converter loads for harmonic analysis of traction systems. A behavioral model in frequency domain to represent electric railway vehicle based on testing and measurement is proposed for harmonic analysis. The harmonic current characteristics are represented by a set of polynomials generated from cubic smoothing spline interpolation. The purpose of this paper is to report and discuss the development of an electric railway model for harmonic analysis and demonstrate results from the simulation with this train load model. System simulation based on this model is performed and the results match satisfactorily with field measurement.published_or_final_versio

    Segregação de recursos por diferentes espécies de morcegos (Mammalia: Chiroptera) na Reserva Biológica de Sooretama

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    Em ecologia, uma das ideias mais importantes é o princípio da exclusão competitiva, ou Lei de Gause, que afirma que duas espécies competindo pelos mesmos recursos não podem coexistir de modo estável se todos os outros fatores ecológicos forem constantes. Um dos competidores vai sobrepor-se ao outro, levando a um deslocamento evolutivo, morfológico ou comportamental, a um nicho ecológico diferente, ou mesmo à extinção. O horário de atividade diferenciado pode ser um importante fator para evitar competição por espécies proximamente relacionas, sendo assim motivo de interesse nos estudos de exclusão competitiva. O ciclo lunar é importante fator modulador de mamíferos noturnos, podendo também exercer influência na partilha de recursos, onde espécies relacionadas podem responder de diferentes maneiras à iluminação lunar. Analisar as diferenças no horário de atividade de espécies próximas de morcegos trará respostas sobre como uma comunidade partilha a disponibilidade de alimento sobre o critério de tempo. O objetivo foi testar a hipótese de que espécies próximas de morcegos usam o horário de atividade como fator de segregação de recursos. O estudo se deu na Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, importante fragmento de Mata Atlântica ombrófila densa localizada numa região plana no norte do estado do Espírito Santo. A hipótese foi descartada para os grupos de morcegos frugívoros, em análises intra e intergenéricas. Porém, para grupos de insetívoros e nectarívoros, a hipótese de segregação de recursos pelo variável tempo foi sustentada por todos os testes e análises, levando a crer que seja um fator importante nesses grupos

    Finite-width gap excitation and impedance models

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    In this paper, we present a new method for the feed model for the method of moments (MoM). It is derived from a more accurate model with the realistic size of the excitation, in order to replace the commonly-used delta-gap excitation model. This new model is formulated around the electric field integration equations (EFIE) where the terms for magnetic current and magnetic field can be removed. Hence it is much simpler to implement and reduces the numerical complexity. In addition, a variational formulation is derived to provide second order accuracy of the input admittance calculation. Moreover, this new formulation can be easily extended such that one can insert passive load elements of finite size onto the distributive network, without complicated modification of the MoM analysis. This allows simulation of many realistic networks which include load elements such as resistors, capacitors and inductors. © 2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI), Spokane, WA., 3-8 July 2011. In IEEE APSURSI Digest, 2011, p. 1297-130

    Traction system scheduling to minimize harmonic current level at substation by genetic algorithm

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    Harmonics of individual trains are closely related to its loading, speed and operation mode. The harmonic current at substations is the sum of the individual components from all the trains electrically connected to the substation. There will be cancellation of the harmonics if the harmonics are not of the same phase angles. It is possible to schedule the traction system so as to minimize the harmonic distortion, improve the power factor and reduce the harmonic currents at substations. In this study genetic algorithm (GA) is used to find out the optimal schedule of the system with minimum harmonic levels. The optimized solution can be integrated into automatic train operation (ATO) controller to control the departure, speed regulation of each train of the system. Mathematical description of the problem is first presented and the genetic algorithm is introduced. The optimal solution is given at the end of this paper. It is demonstrated that the scheduling of traction system is applicable to harmonic reduction and GA is fit for such kinds of optimization problems. Such method of harmonics reduction can bring about considerable saving in filtering equipment.published_or_final_versio

    Exercise-Induced Changes in Exhaled NO Differentiates Asthma With or Without Fixed Airway Obstruction From COPD With Dynamic Hyperinflation.

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    Asthmatic patients with fixed airway obstruction (FAO) and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) share similarities in terms of irreversible pulmonary function impairment. Exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) has been documented as a marker of airway inflammation in asthma, but not in COPD. To examine whether the basal eNO level and the change after exercise may differentiate asthmatics with FAO from COPD, 27 normal subjects, 60 stable asthmatics, and 62 stable COPD patients were studied. Asthmatics with FAO (n = 29) were defined as showing a postbronchodilator FEV(1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) ≤70% and FEV(1) less than 80% predicted after inhaled salbutamol (400 μg). COPD with dynamic hyperinflation (n = 31) was defined as a decrease in inspiratory capacity (ΔIC%) after a 6 minute walk test (6MWT). Basal levels of eNO were significantly higher in asthmatics and COPD patients compared to normal subjects. The changes in eNO after 6MWT were negatively correlated with the percent change in IC (r = −0.380, n = 29, P = 0.042) in asthmatics with FAO. Their levels of basal eNO correlated with the maximum mid-expiratory flow (MMEF % predicted) before and after 6MWT. In COPD patients with air-trapping, the percent change of eNO was positively correlated to ΔIC% (rs = 0.404, n = 31, P = 0.024). We conclude that asthma with FAO may represent residual inflammation in the airways, while dynamic hyperinflation in COPD may retain NO in the distal airspace. eNO changes after 6MWT may differentiate the subgroups of asthma or COPD patients and will help toward delivery of individualized therapy for airflow obstruction

    Generalized modal expansion of electromagnetic field in 2-D bounded and unbounded media

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    A generalized modal expansion theory is presented to investigate and illustrate the physics of wave-matter interaction within arbitrary two-dimensional (2-D) bounded and unbounded electromagnetic problems. We start with the bounded case where the field excited by any sources is expanded with a complete set of biorthogonal eigenmodes. In regard to non-Hermitian or nonreciprocal problems, an auxiliary system is constructed to seek for the modal-expansion solution. We arrive at the unbounded case when the boundary tends to infinity or is replaced by the perfectly matched layer (PML). Modes are approximately categorized into two types: trapped modes and radiation modes, which respond differently to environment variations. When coupled with the source, these modes contribute to the modal-expansion solution with different weights, which leads to a reduced modal representation of the excited field in some geometries. © 2002-2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Research fund for the control of infectious diseases: commissioned studies

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    Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases: Research Dissemination Reportspublished_or_final_versio